• ハラスメントと心の痛み
  • 当院の救急措置
  • ご来院の皆様へ


患者の気持ち 3分でかかりつけ医を探せて相談もできる

Doctor's Fileに今井院長が紹介されました


Mental Foreigner

Mental Clinic Shirokane FAX 03-6721-9127
国 語



本院では英語・中国語の診療も行っています。英語及び中国語圏でも各国によって其の単語と語彙が異なり医学用語は更に異なります。従って受診前に所属国・年齢・既往歴・言語・携帯番号 現在の症状等をFAXでお知らせ下さい。電話やメール応対は保秘の上から初診の方はお受けできません。これら事情について事前連絡のない対応や家族説明についてもお受けできません。弊院医師が直接本人治療を行う場合を除き、日本人配偶者をもつ外国人の場合、精神科という特殊事情と家族関係に係る心理バランスの見極めから、ご家族様に通訳をお願いしています。事情を理解しあっている方のお話が一番スムーズな効果を生むからです。また病人と家族の反感や矛盾を観察する上での心理技術です。但し、医師が必要があると判断する場合、再診の場合、個別に呼んでお聞きすることもあります。※措置入院が必要な場合、所属国公館に其の保護を通知します。



Visiting our clinic


At our clinic we also provide services in English and Mandarin Chinese. Prior to providing such services, we require patients from abroad to first provide the following information via fax: 03-6721-9127

1. nationality    4. medical history
2. age        5. your fax number
3. spoken language 6. current symptoms

This information is necessary to understand a patient’s circumstances and to give informed care. Due to patient confidentiality reasons, providing this information by telephone or e-mail will not be acceptable for new patients. Should the above directions not be followed, our clinic will not be able to offer any of our services.

Should the patient’s family be Japanese or speak Japanese, we would request that family be present to translate for the patient. This is in consideration of the unique circumstances in psychiatry and the balance between patients and their family. A close friend or colleague is also acceptable. It is important that the individual has some mutual trust and understanding with the patient. Attempting communication through such individuals is an effective psychiatric method and helps understand how the patients communicate with others.

※When involuntary hospitalization is needed, we will inform the foreign embassy of patient's nationality to assure safety.


If patients use violence in our clinic or do not follow the doctor’s instructions, we will assert control over the situation and stop offering medical care. If restrain is ineffective, we will contact the authorities.






Shirokane Mental Clinic Akihira KO ph/Dr MD

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